In Daheshism, there are no “secrets” or hidden meanings. These teachings are perfectly logical for any open-minded individual to newly discovered truths—an individual that seeks to harmonize religion, philosophy, and all sciences.
"Do you believe in a Creating Force?"

"If you believe:"
How do you explain:
- The age of the universe and the biblical creation narrative?
- The Archeological evidence of living entities on earth dating back to tens or hundreds of million years and the 6,000 years of the biblical narrative?
- Is science wrong or is religion wrong?
- The presence of so many religions?
- The variance in intellect between species?
- The variance in intellect between human beings?
- The physical and social disparities between human beings?
- Condemnation to eternal life in hell by a loving God?
"If you don't believe:"
How do you explain:
- The origin of the massive energy that produced the Big Bang?
- Not having a single evidence that complex biological life evolved randomly from chemical reactions on earth or elsewhere?
- The existence of conscience?
- The meaning of life?
What Daheshism explains?
- There is only one Creating Force (God).
- The creation of the universe/multiverse serves a purpose.
- Life is everywhere in the universe.
- There is no conflict between religion and science.
- The story of Adam and Eve is only one small segment of earth’s life cycles.
- The essence of all religions is the same.
- Life doesn’t begin at birth and doesn’t end in death.
- Reincarnation is a transition between one state of life and another.
- The universe/multiverse are governed by a system of Divine Justice.
Introduction to website

We live at an age where human beings are sending unmanned vehicles to the planets of our solar system and are deploying telescopes outside of earth’s atmosphere to minimize distortion while peeking through time down to the first lights after the Big Bang. Advances in biology, chemistry, quantum mechanics, and computer science are ushering in the age of the digital revolution, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and the mapping of the human and nonhuman genomes along with advances in gene editing that may lead to the eradication of many of the incurable diseases human beings suffer from.

Dr. Dahesh 1909 - 1984
Dr. Dahesh
The Persecution
Crime of the twentieth century
Teachings of Daheshism
Reverent Prayers
Wonders of Dr. Dahesh
Dr. Dahesh and the Kahlil Gibran Connection
The relationship
Press Coverage
His news in Media
Dr. Dahesh