Daheshism and the Spiritual Sessions

1- Daheshism and the Spiritual Sessions:

To the question “Would you clarify to me what is Daheshism and when did it start?”

Dr. Dahesh responds:

As to the existence of Daheshism, it began in Beirut, Lebanon, on March 23, 1942. As to the question of “what is it,” I will answer it as follows:

The 20th Century is marked by enlightenment and knowledge. In this amazing century, spaceships were launched to the moon and an attempt is made to reach other planets. It has also produced the television, where the transmission of the image takes place at the speed of light. As much as this century has promoted the advancement in science and intellect, it has also promoted atheism and decadence.


Disciplines and inventions have become virtually at the disposal of everyone. However, instead of awakening their souls to the truth, they have filled it with religious doubt. As a result, spiritual values have diminished to the point that hardly anyone believes in them anymore. The majority of people think that a human being is similar to an automobile that once aged, it is discarded; that he will decompose just as the old automobile would; that there is no soul responsible for what this individual has committed in good and evil deeds, that there is no Spirit and there is no reward or punishment, just as there is no Heaven or Hell. As a result of this corrupt logic, atheists have distanced themselves from Holy Books and considered them to be irrelevant.


At a time where doubt and atheism have become widespread in humanity, Daheshism comes into existence in order to prove wrong all those who do not believe in the Spirit’s existence and in spiritual values.

The proof to the existence of the Spirit can be realized by anyone who attends a Spiritual Session that I hold. During the Session, a Spirit will take on a human form, where it would be possible to communicate directly back and forth with it and without any pretense or mystery. The Spirit can transgress the laws of nature and perform miracles as a proof of its existence. Let us suppose that you have a watch that you can identify, and you left in your home. During a Spiritual Session, you can ask to have your watch brought to you. Your house could be in America, China, Cairo, or Beirut, for distance is irrelevant. The response is amazingly fast and in less than a second, the watch can be on your wrist. This is an irrefutable physical proof that cannot be denied.

If the person attending the Spiritual Session is Christian, his faith in his Gospels is solidified. If he is a Muslim, his faith is increased by what was inspired in the Qur’an. If he is a Jew, his faith in the Torah becomes stronger, and so on with other faiths. The purpose of the Spiritual Session is to help people return to their religious faiths and to practice righteousness and decency. This would be a victory for the Spirit over materialism in an era where materialism has dominated the minds. Spiritual Sessions are not constrained to this miracle, but rather, numerous miracles can happen that would strengthen the faith of those attending. For example, you can bring with you from home a plate that you normally use for meals. When the Spirit takes on a human form, you can ask it to have the plate be transmuted from porcelain into wood. While holding the plate in both of your hands, the Spirit would transmute it immediately into wood. This plate remains a wooden plate for days and years. You could have asked the Spirit, instead, to have the plate be transmuted into iron and the change would have taken place immediately and you’ll notice its weight increase while holding it in both of your hands. Likewise, you could have asked the Spirit to change the plate to any material you desire, such as lead or crystal and the transmutation will take place immediately and with ease.